Creative Uses for Leftover Injera Recipes

Have you ever found yourself with leftover Injera, not knowing what to do with it? Instead of letting it go to waste, turn it into a delicious new dish with these inventive recipes! Injera, a spongy Ethiopian bread, can be repurposed into both sweet and savory dishes, making it a versatile ingredient for leftover cooking.

Whether you have leftover Injera from a dinner party or a restaurant meal, these recipe ideas will help you transform it into an exciting new meal. From Pizza to Bread Pudding, there are so many ways to avoid throwing away leftover Ethiopian bread.

Injera Pizza Recipe

If you’re wondering what to do with leftover injera, try making a unique pizza base with this recipe! Perfect for repurposing injera and trying a new flavor combination.

Start by preheating your oven to 425°F. Place the leftover injera on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush the injera with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

Add your favorite pizza toppings, such as cheese, vegetables, or meat, on top of the injera. For an Ethiopian twist, try adding traditional Ethiopian spices such as berbere or mitmita. Top with more cheese and bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

This fusion dish is a delicious way to use up leftover injera and mix traditional Ethiopian flavors with a familiar favorite. Enjoy!

Injera Breakfast Burritos

Repurpose your leftover injera by using it as a wrap for breakfast burritos. It’s a unique yet tasty way to start your day. Simply fill the injera with scrambled eggs, sautéed vegetables, and a drizzle of hot sauce for a flavorful and satisfying morning meal.

Don’t let your injera go stale – turn it into a delicious breakfast with this creative meal idea.

Injera Nachos

Add an Ethiopian twist to your snack game with these delicious injera nachos. Not only is it a creative way of repurposing injera leftovers, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to explore new flavor combinations.

Start by using leftover injera as the base instead of tortilla chips. Cut the injera into small pieces and spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake for 5-7 minutes or until crispy and golden.

Next, add your favorite toppings such as melted cheese, salsa, guacamole, and your choice of protein, such as diced chicken or beef. Feel free to experiment with different spices and herbs to add some extra flavor, such as cumin or paprika!

injera nachos

These injera nachos are perfect as an appetizer or snack. They’re also a great way to introduce your friends and family to Ethiopian cuisine!

Injera Bread Pudding

Leftover injera can be transformed into an irresistible dessert with this easy bread pudding recipe. First, soak the injera in a mixture of milk, eggs, sugar, and spices, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. Then, bake until golden and set. The result is a moist and flavorful bread pudding that will satisfy your sweet tooth. For an extra treat, serve warm with a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream.

Don’t let your leftover injera go to waste! This recipe is a perfect way to repurpose Ethiopian leftovers into a delicious dessert.

Injera Croutons

Don’t throw away your leftover injera – turn it into homemade croutons instead! Perfect for adding a crunchy and flavorful element to your salads or soups, these injera croutons are easy to make and a great way to repurpose leftovers.

Start by cutting the leftover injera into bite-sized pieces. Toss them with olive oil, salt, and your favorite herbs, such as oregano or thyme. Spread the pieces out on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 350°F for 10-15 minutes, until they are crispy and golden brown.

Once they’re done, sprinkle the injera croutons over your salads or soups for an extra burst of flavor. You can even try different seasoning blends or spices to mix things up and create your own custom crouton flavors.


Don’t let your leftover injera go to waste; get creative and try something new! With these recipes, you can discover the endless possibilities of repurposing injera into various delicious dishes. From injera pizzas to breakfast burritos, from injera nachos to bread pudding, and even injera croutons, there are many ways to breathe new life into leftover injera.

Whether you’re a fan of Ethiopian cuisine or just looking for a new twist on old favorites, injera is an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in many creative ways. So the next time you find yourself with leftover injera, don’t throw it away. Instead, try one of these ideas and enjoy the flavors of Ethiopia with a unique twist.

Remember, what to do with leftover injera is entirely up to you. Be inspired, experiment, and have fun in the kitchen. Who knows, you may just invent your own specialty dish!

So, go ahead and explore the creative uses for injera leftovers and savor the taste of Ethiopian cuisine in a whole new way.

Thank you for reading and happy cooking!


What can I do with leftover injera?

There are numerous creative ways to repurpose leftover injera. You can use it to make injera pizza, breakfast burritos, nachos, bread pudding, or even croutons for salads or soups. Explore these delicious recipes and make the most of your leftover Ethiopian bread.

How can I make injera pizza?

To make injera pizza, use leftover injera as the base. Add your favorite toppings, such as cheese, vegetables, or meat, and bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly. This fusion dish combines Ethiopian flavors with the familiar taste of pizza.

What are some meal ideas for leftover injera?

One delicious option is to use leftover injera as a wrap for breakfast burritos. Simply fill them with scrambled eggs, vegetables, and a drizzle of hot sauce for a flavorful morning meal. You can also turn your injera into nachos by topping it with melted cheese, salsa, guacamole, and your choice of protein.

Can I make bread pudding with leftover injera?

Absolutely! Don’t let your leftover injera go to waste – turn it into a delicious bread pudding. Soak the injera in a mixture of milk, eggs, sugar, and spices, then bake until golden and set. Serve warm with a scoop of ice cream for a delightful dessert.

How can I use leftover injera in salads or soups?

One creative way is to make homemade injera croutons. Cut the leftover injera into bite-sized pieces, toss them with olive oil, salt, and your favorite herbs, then bake until crispy. Sprinkle these crunchy croutons over your salads or soups for an extra burst of flavor.

What should I do with Ethiopian leftovers?

If you have leftover Ethiopian food, such as stews or grilled meats, you can serve them alongside fresh injera for a second delicious meal. The spongy texture of injera pairs perfectly with the flavorful Ethiopian dishes, creating a satisfying and authentic dining experience.

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