Creative Uses for Leftover Turkey Grease After Cooking

After cooking a delicious Thanksgiving meal, there’s always the question of what to do with leftover turkey grease. Instead of throwing it away, there are many creative uses for repurposing turkey grease to reduce waste and add flavor to your meals. In this article, we will explore eco-friendly tips and unique recipes that will help you make the most out of your leftover turkey grease.

From using turkey grease for cooking and flavoring to making homemade soap and lubricating household items, there are many inventive ways to repurpose this often-wasted resource. Not only will you reduce your environmental impact, but you’ll also save money and add delicious flavor to your dishes.

If you’re curious about what to do with leftover turkey grease, keep reading to discover the many creative uses for repurposing turkey grease.

Proper Handling and Storage of Turkey Grease

Proper handling and storage of turkey grease are critical for ensuring your safety and minimizing waste. Here are some essential tips to follow:

Handling Turkey Grease

First and foremost, always handle turkey grease with care and caution. Grease can be extremely hot and cause severe burns if mishandled. To avoid accidents, use tongs or a ladle to transfer hot grease into a container for storage.

Additionally, do not dispose of grease down the drain, as it can cause clogs and potentially damage your plumbing. Instead, let it cool and solidify before scraping it into a sealable container.

Storing Turkey Grease

The best way to store turkey grease is in an airtight container and refrigerate it. You can keep it for up to a few weeks by doing so. If you are not planning to use it anytime soon, consider freezing it. Make sure to use a freezer-safe container, and avoid overfilling it, leaving some headspace for the grease to expand as it freezes.

Disposing of Turkey Grease

There are numerous eco-friendly ways to dispose of turkey grease. One way is to turn it into homemade soap (more on that in section 4). You can also compost grease by mixing it with other organic waste or use it to create fire starters (section 6). For larger quantities of grease, consider disposing of it at your local recycling plant or household hazardous waste facility. Whatever you do, never pour grease down the drain, toilet, or any other water source.

Using Turkey Grease for Cooking and Flavoring

If you’re looking for an easy way to give your meals a flavorful boost, look no further than your leftover turkey grease. Instead of tossing it out, repurpose it as a cooking or flavoring ingredient. Here are some recipe ideas to get you started:

Turkey Gravy

The most obvious way to use turkey grease is to make a delicious gravy for your leftover turkey. Simply pour the grease into a saucepan, add flour and stir to make a roux. Gradually add turkey or chicken stock and stir until the gravy is smooth and thickened.

Turkey Stuffing

Another popular dish during the holidays is stuffing. Using turkey grease instead of butter or oil gives your stuffing an extra rich, savory flavor. Simply sauté vegetables like onions, celery, and carrots in the grease before adding bread, herbs, and spices.

Turkey Pot Pie

Repurpose your leftover turkey, vegetables, and turkey grease to make a delicious pot pie. This comfort food classic is easy to make and is sure to be a hit with your family. Simply mix cooked turkey meat, vegetables, gravy and pour this mixture into a prepared pie crust. Optional: top with a second crust.

Turkey Fried Rice

Instead of using soy sauce or teriyaki sauce, use turkey grease to add a depth of flavor to your fried rice recipe. Sauté vegetables in the grease, then add rice, eggs, and soy sauce for a delicious main dish or side.

recipes using turkey grease

With these recipe ideas, you can say goodbye to waste and hello to delicious meals full of savory flavor.

Making Homemade Soap with Turkey Grease

Did you know that instead of throwing out leftover turkey grease, you can make it into a luxurious and eco-friendly homemade soap? Not only is this a creative use for leftover turkey grease, but it’s also a great way to reduce waste!

Making soap with turkey grease is surprisingly easy. Start by collecting the grease and straining out any food particles. Then, combine the grease with lye and water, following a specific recipe for making soap. Add your desired scents and ingredients, such as essential oils or herbs, and pour the mixture into a soap mold.

Once the soap has hardened, remove it from the mold and let it cure for a few weeks before using. The end result is a natural and moisturizing soap that can be used for personal care or given as a thoughtful homemade gift.

Take advantage of this creative use for leftover turkey grease and try making homemade soap for yourself!

Grease for Lubricating Household Items

If you’re looking for a natural and sustainable alternative to store-bought lubricants, you might be surprised to learn that leftover turkey grease can do the job just as well. Instead of throwing it away, repurpose your leftover turkey grease to lubricate household items like squeaky hinges, stuck zippers, or anything that needs a little extra lubrication.

You can even use turkey grease to oil your wooden cutting boards and utensils to keep them from drying out and prevent them from becoming damaged. Simply apply a small amount of turkey grease to a cloth, and gently rub into the wood’s surface. This way, you can keep your wooden items looking brand new without exposing them to harmful chemicals.(creative uses for leftover turkey grease)

How to Use Turkey Grease as a Lubricant

Using turkey grease as a lubricant is straightforward. Apply a small amount of the grease directly to the item that needs lubricating and work it in with your fingers or a cloth. For example, to lubricate squeaky door hinges, apply a dab of turkey grease to the hinge’s top and bottom, then open and close the door to let the grease work its magic.

When using turkey grease as a lubricant, make sure to avoid using too much, as it can cause the item to become too greasy and attract dirt and dust.

Turkey Grease for Fire Starters

If you’re looking for a creative way to repurpose your leftover turkey grease, consider using it to make your own fire starters. By reusing your turkey grease, you can create a sustainable and effective way to start a fire while enjoying the great outdoors.

All you need to do is collect your leftover grease in a small container and let it solidify. Once it’s hardened, cut it into small cubes, and store them in a ziplock bag or airtight container until you’re ready to use them. To start a fire, simply place one or two cubes in your fire pit or fireplace and light them with a match. The turkey grease will act as a perfect fire starter, allowing your flames to spread quickly and efficiently.

Not only is this a fun DIY project, but it’s also a great way to reduce waste and repurpose your leftovers. Give it a try and enjoy the warmth and coziness of a crackling fire, courtesy of your leftover turkey grease.

Using Turkey Grease in Bird Feeder Creations

Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature by attracting birds to your backyard with homemade bird feeders. Not only is it a fun activity, but it’s also an eco-friendly way to repurpose your leftover turkey grease. Here are some creative ideas to incorporate turkey grease into your bird feeder creations:

Pinecone Bird Feeder

Transform your pinecones into bird feeders with this simple recipe:

  1. Attach a string to a pinecone and set it aside.
  2. Melt your leftover turkey grease and mix in birdseed.
  3. Spread the mixture onto the pinecone.
  4. Refrigerate until the mixture has hardened.
  5. Hang and enjoy!

Recycled Container Bird Feeder

Don’t throw out empty containers, repurpose them into bird feeders instead:

  1. Collect clean and empty containers such as milk cartons, plastic bottles, or tin cans.
  2. Cut out a window on one side of the container.
  3. Melt your leftover turkey grease and mix in birdseed.
  4. Pour the mixture into the container and let it harden.
  5. Attach a string and hang it outdoors.

Creative uses for leftover turkey grease

By incorporating leftover turkey grease into your bird feeder creations, you are providing nourishment and entertainment for local wildlife while reducing waste. Get creative and enjoy the benefits of repurposing your turkey grease.

Turkey Grease for Moisturizing and Conditioning Leather

Just like our skin, leather goods need to be moisturized to avoid cracking and drying out. Turkey grease is an eco-friendly solution for conditioning and rejuvenating your leather items. The natural moisturizing properties of turkey grease make it a perfect, cost-effective alternative to store-bought leather conditioners.

To use turkey grease on your leather goods:

  1. Start by cleaning your leather item with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or grime.
  2. Apply a small amount of turkey grease to a soft cloth.
  3. Massage the turkey grease into the leather, using small, circular motions.
  4. Allow the turkey grease to penetrate the leather for several hours or overnight.
  5. Wipe off any excess turkey grease with a clean cloth.

You can use this method to condition and moisturize leather shoes, bags, belts, and more. Not only is it an excellent way to repurpose your leftover turkey grease, but it will also help extend the life of your leather items, saving you money and reducing waste.

Eco-Friendly Turkey Grease Disposal Methods

Properly disposing of turkey grease is essential for protecting the environment and avoiding potential plumbing issues. Pouring hot turkey grease down the drain can cause blockages and damage to pipes, leading to costly repairs. Instead, try these eco-friendly ways to handle and dispose of turkey grease:

  • Freeze it: Allow the turkey grease to cool and solidify in the pan or container. Once it is solid, scrape it into a sturdy plastic bag or container and dispose of it in the trash.
  • Compost it: If you have a compost bin, you can add small amounts of cooled turkey grease to it (avoid adding large amounts as it can be harmful to the compost). The grease will break down and nourish the soil.
  • Recycle it: Some areas offer grease recycling programs where you can bring your leftover turkey grease in a sealed container to a designated facility for proper disposal.

By following these turkey grease disposal methods, you can do your part in reducing waste and protecting the environment from harmful pollutants.


What are some creative uses for leftover turkey grease?

There are several creative and sustainable ways to repurpose leftover turkey grease. Some ideas include using it for cooking and flavoring, making homemade soap, using it as a lubricant for household items, creating fire starters, incorporating it into bird feeder creations, and using it to moisturize and condition leather.

How should I handle and store turkey grease?

It is important to handle and store turkey grease properly. Allow the grease to cool before transferring it to a heat-resistant container. Store the container in the refrigerator or freezer to prevent bacterial growth. When handling turkey grease, be cautious of spills and dispose of it safely to avoid clogged drains or environmental damage.

Can leftover turkey grease be used for cooking?

Absolutely! Leftover turkey grease can be a flavorful addition to your cooking. Consider using it in recipes that call for oil or butter, as it adds a rich and savory taste. You can also incorporate turkey grease into gravies, soups, and roasted vegetables for added depth of flavor.

How can I make homemade soap with turkey grease?

Making homemade soap with turkey grease is a fun and eco-friendly project. Start by melting the turkey grease and combining it with lye and other ingredients. Pour the mixture into molds and allow it to harden. Once the soap has cured, you’ll have a luxurious and sustainable homemade soap to enjoy.

Can turkey grease be used as a lubricant for household items?

Yes, turkey grease can be used as a natural lubricant for various household items. Apply a small amount to squeaky door hinges, stubborn zippers, or other areas that need lubrication. The grease will help reduce friction and make everything run smoothly, all while being an eco-friendly alternative to store-bought lubricants.

How can I use leftover turkey grease to make fire starters?

If you enjoy outdoor fires, repurposing your leftover turkey grease into homemade fire starters can be a great solution. Mix the grease with sawdust, shredded paper, or dryer lint in a muffin tin. Allow it to harden, and you’ll have convenient fire starters to ignite your next bonfire or camping trip.

How can I incorporate turkey grease into homemade bird feeders?

Homemade bird feeders can benefit from the addition of leftover turkey grease. Mix it with birdseed and other ingredients, such as oats or cornmeal, to create a binder. Shape the mixture into balls, cakes, or spread it on pine cones, then hang them in your backyard to attract and nourish local birds.

Can turkey grease be used to moisturize and condition leather?

Yes, turkey grease can be used to moisturize and condition leather goods, such as shoes, bags, and belts. Apply a small amount of melted and cooled turkey grease to a clean cloth and gently rub it into the leather. This will help keep the leather soft, supple, and well-maintained.

What are some eco-friendly methods for disposing of turkey grease?

When disposing of turkey grease, it is important to avoid pouring it down the drain or throwing it in the trash, as it can clog pipes and contribute to environmental damage. Instead, let the grease solidify, then scrape it into a container or bag and dispose of it in the garbage. Alternatively, consider recycling programs that accept cooking oil and grease.

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